Looking for more Gregor Lersch?
Below, you can find links to Gregor’s Social Media, his wide collection of books, and other programs he offers.
Web/Social Links
Website - gregorlersch.de
Instagram - @gregorlersch
Facebook - Gregor Lersch Floral Design
Patreon - www.patreon.com/gregorlersch
Floral Craftmenship 1 (Floral Design Edition . Compositions , Arrangements , Structures ,Very educativ Material)
Floral Craftmenship 2 (about Bouquets , Bridalbouquets , free standing bound work)
Floral Craftmenship Christmas - Floristry
Principles of Flowerdesign schoolversion
Relationship of Contrast (a Textbook with many Examples)
Miniatures . 230 Pages (a rich Selection of Miniature- Works and their Details)
Floral Craftmenshhip with Flowers (Plantmaterials and Wool, Velt.
2 Faces .The Big Book of Klaus Wagener and Gregor Lersch together)
Other Educational Offerings
Lersch Stories - Masterclass "Organic" - Available on Vimeo ($99)
Lersch Stories II - ‘Latin Romance’ - Available on Vimeo ($99)